
Hari Balakrishnan
Manya Ghobadi
Mohammad Alizadeh
Current PhD Candidates
Anton Zabreyko


Benoit Pit–Claudel

PhD student at MIT working with Manya Ghobadi and Muriel Médard on principled approaches to datacenter networking problems.

Charlie Liu

Charlie is a Ph.D. student interested in building various computer systems for better connectivity and performance.

Chenning Li

Chenning is focused on simulating and optimizing large-scale networked systems.

Harsha Sharma

Interested in ML and systems

James Lynch


Joe Chandler

I’m a current MEng student in the NMS group advised by Hari Balakrishnan and Mohammad Alizadeh. I’m from Indianapolis, IN and graduated undergrad from MIT in May 2024 with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering (6-3) and a minor in Mathematics (18). I am currently working on systems using LLMs. I previously worked on applied computer vision.

Kimia Noorbakhsh

Kimia is interested in exploring large language models, focusing on enhancing learning and training in domain-specific settings. She earned her BSc in Computer Engineering from Sharif University of Technology.

Liam Kronman

I’m an undergraduate who has been UROPing with Prof. Manya Ghobadi for Lightning, LighTCAM, and MLTCP.

Mingran Yang

Mingran Yang is a Ph.D. student advised by Prof. Manya Ghobadi. Before joining MIT, she received her bachelor’s degree from Fudan University and master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Her research interests include systems and networking, with a particular emphasis on developing innovative network systems for machine learning applications. She is a recipient of the 2022 Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship and MIT Presidential Fellowship.

Pantea Karimi

I build systems with application in mind. I’m focusing on robust and reliable applications using LLMs. Previously, I’ve worked extensively in enhancing the quality of real-time video applications.

Pouya Hamadanian

Pouya is a PhD student in MIT CSAIL, supervised by Professor Mohammad Alizadeh. He is a Jacobs Fellow (MIT presidential fellow). His research interest spans automated data-driven decision making, causal simulation, and the integration of machine learning and networked systems. His research contributions have been recognized by the NSDI 23′ best paper award.

Sanjoli Narang

I am a first year PhD student interested in Networks, Hardware-Software Co-design and Systems for Machine Learning

Sudarsanan Rajasekaran

I am a 4th year PhD student under the guidance of Prof. Manya, passionate in building networking scheduling and congestion control systems specialized for DNN workloads.

Sunghyun Kim


Weiyang (Frank) Wang

Weiyang “Frank” Wang is a Ph.D. student working at MIT CSAIL with Professor Manya Ghobadi. Frank’s research centers on computer networking, focusing on machine learning systems, reconfigurable networks, and traffic engineering. When he does not have a computer or a network, he switches directions to coffee making, photography, and powerlifting.

Will Sussman

I work on the CityMesh project. Previously I worked on the LAVA project at Yale. Outside of lab, I serve as president of MIT Graduate Hillel.

Lingling Fan



Akshay Narayan
Alex Mallery
Alex Snoeren
Allen Miu
Amir Farhat
Amy Ousterhout
Anirudh Sivaraman
Arjun Balasingam
Arthur Migdal
Arvind Thiagarajan
Ayush Sharma
Bret Hull
Christian T Williams
David Andersen
Francis Cangialosi

Inho Cho
Jaeyeon Jung
James Salamy
Jeremy Bogle
Jonathan Perry
Katrina LaCurts
Keith Winstein
Kyle Jamieson
Lei Yang
Lenin Ravindranath
Magdalena Balazinska
Mehrdad Khani Shirkoohi
Michael Walfish
Mythili Vutukuru
Nick Feamster

Nissanka Bodhi Priyantha
Parimarjan Negi
Peter Iannucci
Prateesh Goyal
Ravi Netravali
Seo Jin Park
Shuo Deng
Songtao He
Tenzin Ykyab
Venkat Arun
Vibhaa Sivarman
Wendi Heinzelman
Yichen Gao
Yu-Han (Tiffany) Chen

Past Post-docs

Calvin Newport
Can Emre Koksal
Evdokia Nikolova
Geoffrey Werner-Challen
Homa Esfahanizadeh

Jakob Eriksson
Lewis Girod
Moein Khazraee
Radhika Mittal
Ramki Gummadi

Rohan Murty
Srinivas Narayana
Zhizhen Zhong

Megan Farmer